Make a donation to Harmony House today to rescue the next cat or kitten in need. We receive no city, county, state, or federal funding, and we rely entirely upon contributions from caring animal lovers like you to provide for the cats.
Harmony House is a 501(c)3 charitable organization, and every donation is tax-deductible.
Donate Today!
Join Harmony Heroes Today!

Becoming a member of Harmony Heroes is an easy and very important way to help all of the cats in our care at Harmony House. Monthly donations ensure we continue to save lives year-round and provide the love and care all cats deserve. Become a member today by making a donation below!
Donate by mail!
Please make your personal check or money order payable to Harmony House forCats, and mail it to
Harmony House for Cats
P.O. Box 18098
Chicago, IL 60618
…Or donate online through PayPal.
You can also make a donation to Harmony House for Cats with your Paypal account. Click on the link below for PayPal.
Financial Information
Harmony House posts its IRS Form 990’s and financial statements on the Guidestar website, the most comprehensive database of US charities. Click here to view our complete profile.
Click the links here to view our 2023 Form 990 and 2023 Audited Financial Statement.
Harmony House Family Tree
Add your name or the name of someone special to our Family Tree with your gift of $500, $1000, $5000 or $10,000. Our Family Tree symbolizes the generosity and compassion that nurtures and protects the cats of Harmony House. Additional Yellow Leaf tiles, Green Leaf tiles, Blue Water tiles and Lilac Paw Print tiles are still available. New tiles will be engraved and installed every three months as donations and inscriptions arrive. Click here to view the color brochure, and then add your name to our Family Tree by ordering online here.
Workplace Support
Many companies offer matching gift programs and / or employee payroll deduction programs which make it easy to donate to your favorite charity. Ask your Human Resources director what is offered at your company.
Employer Matching Gifts
Some generous employers will match your donations to a favorite charity, i.e. if you give $50 to Harmony House, and include a Matching Gift Form with your donation, your company will then donate $50 to Harmony House after the matching gift has been processed. Many businesses post their matching gift forms online to be eco-friendly and save on postage.
Employee Payroll Deductions
Your employer may offer automatic payroll deductions for charity. You designate how much money you want sent to your favorite charity each month, your company deducts it from your paycheck, and they send one check for all Harmony House donations from all their employees each quarter.
Bequests, Trusts and Beneficiary Designations
Planned giving keeps your love of cats alive by helping us rescue more cats and kittens in need.
An unrestricted bequest will allow Harmony House to use your gift wherever it is most needed at the time. You can choose a specific dollar amount or a percentage of your estate. We suggest the following language in wills:
“I give and bequeath the sum of $_____ to Animal Protective Association’s Harmony House for Cats, an Illinois not-for-profit corporation located at 2914 N Elston Avenue, Chicago, IL 60618 to be used for its general charitable purposes.”
“I give and bequeath _____% of my estate to Animal Protective Association’s Harmony House for Cats, an Illinois not-for-profit corporation located at 2914 N Elston Avenue, Chicago, IL 60618 to be used for its general charitable purposes.”
It is recommended that you consult your attorney when you write or amend a will so that the document conforms to the laws in the state where you reside.
Trusts and Beneficiary Designations
Harmony House can also be named as the beneficiary on a life insurance policy, a certificate of deposit, an IRA account, or a trust. In order to pursue this way of supporting Harmony House, contact your bank or insurance company for the paperwork to update your beneficiary. To create a trust, please consult your attorney so that this can be done in accordance with the laws in your state. Please make sure to use our official business name of Animal Protective Association’s Harmony House for Cats.